Selasa, 09 April 2013

Free Ebook Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

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Free Ebook Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

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Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

Free Ebook Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

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Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets

About the Author

Cary Jensen is a best-selling author of more than twenty books on software development. He is also an award-winning trainer and a popular speaker at software conferences throughout much of the world. Cary has provided training to companies on every version of Delphi and has toured on every version, starting with the Delphi World Tour (Delphi 1) and continuing with the annual Delphi Developer Days tour with fellow author Marco Cantù. Cary is Chief Technology Officer at Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a company that provides software services, documentation, and help system development. He is an active developer, providing clients with assistance in data modeling, software architecture, software development, and software migration. Cary has a Ph.D. in Human Factors Psychology, specializing in human-computer interaction, from Rice University.

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Product details

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 23, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1461008581

ISBN-13: 978-1461008583

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 0.8 x 9.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

22 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,242,677 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Jensen is one of the real pros in IT today going far beyond his extensive technical abilities and knowledge of contemporary programming. Jensen can actually COMMUNICATE clearly, effectively and thoroughly. His communication skills are outstanding and this combination of technical expertise and communication skills makes him unique in the modern IT world where it seems that all tutorials, demos and "white papers" are written for an audience with a nearly zero attention span. True, you have to stay awake and pay attention when you read Jensen's writing, but the rewards for your efforts are far greater than the effort it takes to gain them. We need more like Cary Jensen in IT; I wish we could clone him.

A good revision to an already very useful book. Happily, Jensen does not again use the BDE (which I felt was a mistake in the earlier volume, despite his reasoning.) The discussion of the ClientDataset benefits, as well, from the addition of FireDAC to the mix. They are similar, but different, and comparing them helps to illuminate the benefits of both.

I left Delphi and C++ Builder long ago, then when I had to program an application resulted that BDE was no longer supported, and the documentation and examples I found at that time for dbExpress were so basic and did not solved master details problems I had. I bough this book to address all my doubts, and certainly I think it has helped me a lot.This book does not only shows facts as in the product documentation, it relates the concepts and explain them in detail.Great book, thank you to Cary Jensen

Very informative and deep coverage of ClientDataSets. Everything from searching, filtering, and caching to saving the data locally is covered in this book. In this new world of mobile usage where a connection to the datasource is not always guaranteed, saving the change cache locally, then persisting to the remote database when connected is something that is handled by default by the ClientDataSet. Incredible and relevant technology for today even though it was created and first released in the mid-90's. This book explains ClientDataSets in an easy-to-read format, but it also has really good details that will be of good use to developers who have been using the technology for years. Thanks Cary for the insight and clarity into an amazing technology.

This book attempts a comprehensive look at ClientDataSets, but misses the mark for beginners. The first mistake the author makes is one many, many Delphi books make. The problem can be summarized as follows: "BDE is dead and no one in their right mind would do database development work today using the unsupported dead BDE, but because Delphi has sample BDE databases, I'll use BDE examples throughout."This foolish idea of using a dead-end database structure sounds like a good idea when you hear the author describe it, but it doesn't translate to the new user. An experienced Delphi database developer would likely make the easy leap between how it is done with BDE as opposed to say dbExpress, but the beginner will not. This leaves the beginner lost right out of the gate. Trying to teach myself Delphi database programming, I wasted 20 hours tinkering just to figure out one simple mistake I was making while trying to recreate the books examples using mySQL and dbExpress. Granted the book cannot cover every database back-end and access method available, but starting with any of the non-dead options translates much easier to the other modern options than BDE. The author should have picked ADO, dbExpress, or even Interbase and used a real RDBMS back-end.The second mistake the author makes is relying too heavily on the downloadable code examples rather than placing code examples directly in the book. This not only wastes a great deal of time flipping back and forth, but the downloaded code often doesn't show enough to be useful. Practical examples would do things every database programmer would do in a basic database app. Instead many of the downloaded code examples are simply 4 components strung together using their properties in an empty shell application. Yes the app displays data, but does nothing useful. Complete examples showing how to add, delete, edit, search for, lock, unlock, and avoid collisions with other users using more than dbGrid and a navigation bar would be extremely helpful. As it is, you'd think every database app revolves around dumping unformatted data into a dbGrid and having the end user hack away at it like a glorified spreadsheet.Again, for the advanced developer needing to fill in a few missing pieces about how ClientDataSets work, I'm sure this book is fine. For the beginner, the book is a nightmare until you've wasted hundreds of hours experimenting your way past basic problems.For the beginner, I'd rate this book 1.5 stars. For the more experienced developers three stars, and for those already doing database work but just needing a few gaps filled in, perhaps a bit higher.

It would be all too easy to overlook the value in the TClientDataSet. This book takes the reader through it in considerable detail. My only complaints are two: the decision to use the BDE, while understandable, was a poor one, and second, the book would benefit from careful proof reading and editing.

I bought this book after buying Delphi XE4 and finding very little detailed information on ClientDataSets on the web. It is a comprehensive book and covers many topics in a clear and concise manner. It helped me to get started with my one-to-many application and gave me ideas about how to structure future projects. It also caused me think "that's an great idea!". The book is obviously very specific (by the nature of its title), but if this is the area you need to get stuck into, you simply cannot do without this book.

This is a great book on ClientDataSets. Even with FireDac more-or-less replacing ClientDataSets, there are enough similarities that this is a good foundation with which to start your FireDac knowledgebase.

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